Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I've been tagged!

My laptop is up and running! yea!!!!! So of course I had to catch up on blogs. My friend Kim tagged me. I'm to go to my 6th folder in My Pictures and post the 6th photo here. Well, folder #6 only had 2 pictures in it,( my son's Harley he bought when he returned from Iraq). So I went to my 7th folder and pick the 6 th picture. Here it is.........

This picture was taken October 23, 2007. The day my son returned home from Iraq. This was at the welcome home celebration at the Armory. The person holding the umbrella is standing in front of the Armory. The flag flying from the fire truck was at the intersection by the armory. The bus carrying our soldiers came down the street toward us, under the flag and turned into the armory parking lot. It was a cold damp day, but all were warmed by the love for their soldiers.

Ok. So now I need to tag 5 friends.






Just pick the 6th photo from your 6th folder in your My Pictures folder.

Ok, I need to run, but I promise I will have cards to share in my next post.




Kim Marie said...

What a great pic to post, Roxanne! Glad you saw the tag...I just came by to let you know! It's great!!
Kim Marie

Kristin said...

Great picture! I still think this could be an embarrassing game for someone! But what fun! Catching up on some blog-hopping myself, so I thought I'd stop by to say hello! xo Kristin

Sue from Oregon said...

What a great picture! Thanks for stopping in on my blog today!

Sally said...

Hi Roxy,
Great picture, I bet you were so proud that day. It make me go all goose bumps looking at the pic and reading your blog. That flag must have been huge, quite rightly so.
Congrats on your new venture. :)

Dawn said...

Wow what an amazing picture!