Monday, August 18, 2008

Sisterhood of the Blogging Stampers #23

Yea!!!! I'm in a blogging group! This is all so new and so much fun!

Ok so here's some info about me.

Love to stamp!
Born and raised in New York State.
Love to stamp!
Married, 3 kids.
Love to stamp!
Work for the state,(Department of Transportation)
Did I mention that I love to stamp? :-)

Ok time to get off the desktop computer....DH needs to get on it so he can look something up so he can fix my laptop.



Lisa said...

Great to have you with us in SBS#23!! Nice to meet you!
Have a great day!!
Happy scrappin'

Sue from Oregon said...

Welcome Roxy!

Toni said...

Hi Roxy,
Welcome to SBS23. I'm afraid my info about me has dropped off the first page but its there somewhere!!
Hope to chat soon
Toni xx

Anne-Marie Cox said...

Hi Roxanne, its great to be part of sbs 23. Love your blog, Thanks so much for my award, I am so spoilt.
